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This course will run over 5 sessions online with private link to learning platform and private facebook group for discussion.

With the recording you can work at your own pace.

Live option will be 1 to 1 to decided how to design your dragon, a list of materials and equipment, live Zoom sessions (recording included) and video tutorials plus question and answer sessions in the dragon facebook group and back up one to one if wanted. (See bellow for more details)

Recordings option will be the recordings of the zoom sessions and video tutorials you can access in the dedicated Dragon Facebook group, questions and answers in the group, Pinterest board and guided visualisation and a list of materials.

Sessions will be May 1st, 7th, 28th and 4th June 2022.

Please Click ‘Pick Up’ at checkout as there is no postage involved!

You will provide your own equipment and materials for both options.


If you are unable to attend recordings of the live sessions will be added to the playlist for you to access at anytime.

Each live session will run for approx 2 hours

You will receive an introductory email with a list of course materials and equipment requirements and suggestions plus how to choose your colours and optional guided visualisation to help you actually visualise your dragon.

Skills taught

full armature/composite armature in how to choose when and why

wet felting for wings and scales

wet felting basics and how to include other fibres in your work

making claws, horns and feet

character building

Course Outline

Pre course: How to start designing and knowing when to stop! Via pre recorded video and optional guided visualisation.

Session 1: Making the basics from concept to armature, and basic wrapping and sculpting, demonstration of wet felting for your homework

Session 2: Feet, Claws and Wings

Session 3: Putting it all together, spines demonstration and homework

Session 4: Finishing touches and embelishment.

How to build your own Dragon!!

SKU: Stf-dc-ro
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